Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pole dancing

I visited my daughter in law Joy today and the subject of pole dancing came up.  I wish I could pole dance.  Some of those dancers on Jerry Springer amaze me, how strong and athletic they are working the pole.
The first time I visited my my grandbaby in Milwaukee, his other grandmother was at my son's and former daughter in law.  While I browsed a local weekly newspaper, we talked about stuff we could do together.   I saw an ad for pole dancing lessons, so I suggested that we sign up and do it together.  ( This woman is a professor of nursing. )  We both had a good laugh with that one.
Last Christmas I visited my brothers and sister.  We were at a little cafe having brunch.  When I went to pay my bill, I pulled about twenty ones out of my purse.  The cashier/waitress looked them, and asked, "Are you a dancer?"  Then she laughed.  So I showed her my cane, and I said, "Yeah, and I even brought my pole with me!"
I had a hearing on a woman charged with sexual misconduct for allegedly engaging in a provocative pole dance while  working in food services.  The prisoner explained that the crew had been working overtime a lot, while the other side of the prison was being converted from men's to women's.  The supervisor told them they had done a good job, so when they were done,they could have some cake left over from the day.  This woman was happy to get cake.  She could have been my twin, chubby, blond, apparently loves sweets.  She said she skipped up to the serving line and swung around a support beam like it was a pole, but she denied any sexually provocative movement.  I watched video from the surveillance camera covering the area.  I couldn't see her do anything, and nobody seemed to be paying attention to her at all.  She said she was just happy to be getting cake.  I could relate to that so completely.  So I found her not guilty of Sexual Misconduct.  Her only sin was cake gluttony.

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