Friday, December 20, 2013

Bell ringing II

So I did another two hour bell-ringing stint today for the Salvation Army.   I guess my energy level dipped, because this old guy wearing a cop with "Army" embroidered on it, started giving me suggestions.  He said I should put the bell on a rubber band, then pull the band taut and let it go.  Then the bell would just keep ringing for a while.  Then he suggested tying it to my walker, which I was sitting in.  He said I could just move around in the chair, get my exercise and ring the bell all at the same time.  He impressed me so much I said, "Wow, you're just full of good ideas, aren't you?"  He responded that some people have said he is full of something.  I laughed and said, "Well, apparently there's still plenty of room for great ideas!"  He laughed.  Then another lady stopped and said my bell didn't sound as loud as some others she has heard.  I explained that I put my finger on the bell to mute the sound.  We are allowed to sit in the entryway, shielded from the worst of the weather.  But as customers enter, the doors open into the store and the cashiers are right there.  The bells drive them crazy after a while so I try to tone it down.  Then said it would be nice if they had a bell that played Christmas songs.  I agreed.  I told her I wish I be like some of the bell ringers I have read about in the paper, who dance and/or sing as they ring.  But if I tried to sing, we'd probably be kicked all the way outside and I didn't want to do that to my fellow bell-ringers.  Either that, or the baggers would start throwing cans of vegetables at me.
I was happy.  People were shoving that money into that bucket.

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